18 Nov 2014

What is Magbodo- Don't get Zero

Magbodo is an integrated solution to learning that infuses a sense of gaming which offers fun, collaboration, competition and promotes creativity that is geared towards improving students’ academic performance. This product is open source that is, having no geographical/school/ social status boundaries; it can be used by any student anywhere provided they have a phone or device that can browse the internet.

The concept behind this product is to present computer based test (CBT) for students seeking admission into higher institutions in a gaming environment. Students’ takes test and compare their result against other students and friends. Base on their performance they are ranked on the platform. Their performance is directly proportional to the results they will get when they take the actual exam since the past questions from such exams, as well as mentally challenging exercises that improve their cognitive abilities are incorporated into the “Game.”

With Magbodo, limitless learning is possible which is tempered by user. Using the platform is absolutely ‘free’ and users have freedom to unlimited questions per month. No monitoring of student performance by parents/teachers/schools. Student monitors and seeks to improve their brain power or academic performance as they compete for rewards such as ranking, badges, trophies and to participate in academic championship at end of each season.

It is design solely with gaming in mind so that students “forget” they are learning when they interact with the product. The less you study or understand your course of study the more your ranking drops as you take exams and game on Magbodo. This will definitely force students to take studies seriously if they don’t want to drop in ranking and look bad before their friends.

Product will be officially available by January 2015

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